Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Breakfast of Champions

I don't drink coffee in morning, I drink hot cocoa. And even tho I typically eat a healthful diet I like to have Fig Newtons with my cocoa.

I know it's terrible but it hasn't killed me yet.

I have the cocoa & Newtons on my balcony while I look out over the 101 freeway and watch the cars zip by.  I try to catch a glimpse of the driver's faces so I can make up stories to go along with them, like: the angry guy coming home from the Commerce Casino, a girl who doesn't know that this is the day she'll meet her future husband, and the lady singing along with the radio who's about to cause a six car pileup.

Is this odd behavior? Maybe. I really enjoy it, tho.

People always ask if the freeway is dirty or noisy or disgusting but it really isn't.

In its own spartan way it's quite beautiful.


  1. I love the city just before daybreak. The high contrast light makes everything look like a movie.

  2. There is beauty in the concrete landscape of LA, no doubt!

    1. Us Franklin folks have got to stick together on this subject!

  3. If there was a beauty contst for blogger you win hand's down.

    1. Is their a prize? Is it cocoa, Fig Newtons or money? If so count me in!

  4. it probably would be odd behavior if there weren't fig newtons involved. They make sense of everything.

  5. A lot of guys probably say this but you are incredible. Those shots of you on Weebly have got me crazy. I live in LA too and if you want to get together I'll make you a very happy woman. I've got connects too. I wouldn't even mind if you wanted to keep drawing or writing comics. whatever it takes. I'm going to write to right now.

    1. Uh...thank you! I don't know what "write to right" means. I'm scared of your frenzy... and I'm already taken {with any luck.}

      But I am flattered in a nervous sort of way.

  6. Dear Tera,
    Hi I am new to your comic/story but fell in love with it in a flash. What I like most is the biographical aspect. Its funny also. Am looking forward to reading about your adventures. tommym

  7. Welcome, Tommy sir! Thank you for making the leap to my blog:)

  8. You live at the Hollywood Tower? That;s interesresting. I'm not far from there. I have my own house.

    1. Yes, it's a nice place, with lots of security features.

  9. Your blog writing has an interesting and sweet style. It works even without the pictures.
