Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day at the beach

I spent the day at the beach.  I worked there, actually: drawing for my job at the studio.  I have an Asus slate and I can draw right on the screen.  It's a fabulous little device, and it allows me to do my work remotely while I'm here in Guam ... and while it's a little on the pricey side, I couldn't recommend it more.

My day at the beach got me thinking about how much time I used to spend in the water, and how much that used to frustrate my family.

I wrote a comic on this very subject a few years ago.  Here it is:

                                                                Click to enlarge


  1. I looked at your tablet. I wish I had one.

    1. They're amazing. Trust me! I can't say the same for Asus support, unfortunately, but the unit itself is the best piece of technology I've ever owned.

  2. I love the last panel of your comic.

    - Maria

    1. The story of Sirena is told throughout the Pacific Islands. I heard it a lot growing up, and then one day I dreamt it! One of my favorite all time dreams.

  3. The sea is such a magical and powerful thing! I loved this story when I read it and I think it's also a nice metaphor about parents who were too hard on their children.
    Hope you're doing well Tera! :)

    1. Thanks, "L.A"!

      Everybody go read Lena - it's a terrific new comic on the Duck.

  4. Happt to see your back to your old self.

  5. I have always been a fan of that comic.

  6. Dear Tera,Very Nice story, You captured a mermaid myth so concisely in your dream. tommym
